A Comprehensive Guide to "Am I Balding or Not?"

Learn whether you're balding and how to track your progress

A Comprehensive Guide to "Am I Balding or Not?"

So, you're scrolling through social media and you see another "Am I balding?". You open the post and see a single photo of a hairline. But not only is it just ONE photo. But it looks like it was taken on a potato 🤦.

I'm joking but you get the point.

In 90% of cases we simply cannot answer whether someone is balding or not. We need more data. The internet has SO MUCH great (or at least I think great) info on treatment options, side effects, and success stories.

But in our open, the internet is severely lacking in how to actually TRACK your hair loss or regrowth. You can be on treatments and still have zero idea whether you're gaining or losing ground. Just ask the average person who is on treatments

So, here's some background on why we should and how we can cut through the noise

Why the internet can't diagnose you

1. The variation in natural hair lines

We weren't all gifted with hairlines like Judge Napolitano. So, if your baseline is the hairline of Napolitano and now your hairline is "normal", then you actually did experience some recession.

Or, your "receding" hairline might actually be your natural state.

See why 1 picture in isolation is not helpful?

r/tressless - A guide to "Am I balding or not?" - How to Track your Hair Regrowth/Loss
Judge Napolitano

2. The deception of lighting, angles, and wet vs dry hair

If you're snapping your photos fresh out of the shower in harsh downlighting and comparing it to another with dry hair in a dim room, you are sabotaging your hair assessment.

Likewise, angles also make a difference. Use the same angles to ensure before and after pictures are as consistent as possible.

How to track your hair regrowth and loss

1. Consistent Photos

This should be a given, but I'll say it again. Consistent angles + lighting = reliable data. Even though there will be variation in hair condition (meaning puffiness and other things), these photos will give you a good trend to work with.

2. Scalp Cameras

KWXK has a good video on this and we picked up a $30 camera on Amazon after watching. I think scalp cameras are a GREAT tool to get a more granular view of your follicles, and I hope to see more innovation here to quantify at home whether we're gaining or losing ground.

Is it overkill? For most probably. But it can be a useful tool.

r/tressless - A guide to "Am I balding or not?" - How to Track your Hair Regrowth/Loss
Picture taken from a scalp camera

3. Log Treatments + Notes

If you're on minoxidil, finasteride, or even grapefruit juice - keep a log. Note your dosages, frequencies, and side effects to reference later.

4. Last but not least - track your photos side by side

If you're swiping through your photo roll going back months and trying to remember what the previous picture looked like, you're doing it wrong. Put those photos side by side to get an accurate comparison.

r/tressless - A guide to "Am I balding or not?" - How to Track your Hair Regrowth/Loss
Side-by-side Comparison in Hairly


To assuage your paranoia and help yourself track your hair progress:

  1. Take good, consistent photos
  2. Log your treatments + notes

Without these two, there is no real way to gauge progress.

Start your hair regrowth journey today

The Hairly App comparison photo screen on an iPhone